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If i was the president essay

If i was the president essay

if i was the president essay

Essay on “If I were the President” ( Words) Article shared by Many of us have some aspirations and wishes for our country that we desire to fulfill and some changes to bring about, but we feel that we have little say in getting those things done. This is because of our limited power as citizens of the country 11/07/ · Here is an example essays “If I was the President” for older students: “If I were President, I would help the poor to rise to his feet, and would build more schools in the Order Now. There was once a time when I escaped the hustles of the world. I found myself walking alone in a dark and lonely street. Trash was scattered everywhere and the street was

New York Essays

We use cookies to give you the best experience possible, if i was the president essay. A limited time offer! Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. There was once a time when I escaped the hustles of the world. I found myself walking alone in if i was the president essay dark and lonely street, if i was the president essay. Trash was scattered everywhere and the street was filled with rats. I was deeply moved and saddened by the frightful sight. While I was walking down the street, I saw a boy. Where is your home? Where are your parents?

My mother had to find a job so that she could support our financial needs but the only job she could find paid a low salary. To make matters worse, if i was the president essay, my brother had been infected with an unknown disease and was immediately rushed to the hospital. My mother was forced to work at a bar to earn extra money so she could pay for the hospital bill. Unfortunately my brother did not make it and died after several days. She then decided to leave me in this forsaken place and here I am now, waiting for death to come.

Then I carried the boy out of the lonely street. What if I can divert the attention of the world from politics to the needs of the people? If I became the president, what would I do? If I were the president, I would hasten up the peace talks so there could be peace not war. After the sides have settled their differences, all of our soldiers will put down their guns and pick up a shovel to build eco-friendly houses for the homeless. The soldiers would also be helping out in the constructions of many infrastructures to improve the lives of many citizens. If I were the president, there would be an economic boom in the Philippines that would make every expenses have a lower cost.

Eco-friendly cars will roam the streets while smoke belching cars will be converted to solar-powered ones. Cleaning the dirtiest streets and converting recyclable trash into fertilizer while turning non-biodegradable trash into useful home furniture, if i was the president essay. Reforestation will be the key to revive the natural beauty of the Philippines. If I were the president, I would strive to establish good relationships with other countries. The Japanese will be sharing their new technologies; the USA would help in maintaining peace in the country and training our police forces; and the Middle East would assist in our oil problems. It will be a new start for everyone because everyone will start to be treated equally. If I were the president there would be more schools that have low cost tuition fees that offer high quality education.

If possible, if i was the president essay of the lessons thought in the schools should be applied in real life especially in emergency situations. The DepEd is going to tighten its accreditation level along with If i was the president essay so we can ensure that the future generation will learn to express themselves freely. If I were the president, the justice system would be stricter and faster. The Chief Justice would not be chosen by the president, the Chief Justice would be selected by identifying the BEST judge in the Philippines according to the over-all experience of that particular judge.

There would be special courts for different types of cases and the hearings would not exceed the two weeks time limit. There would be court hearings for the whole week except for the weekends so that the court staff would have enough time to rest. It is my dream that the likes of the boy that I found on the lonely street would learn and grow up into one of FINEST Filipino people we ever have. One day when my term would end, my legacy will pass to the next rightful Filipino who will serve our country and make our country the FINEST country here on earth. It is his duty to maintain the status of the country and it is in his term that we will never face any problems again as long as he remains just.

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If I Were the President. The whole doc is available only for registered users. Pages: 5 Word count: Category: Philippines President. Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed Order Now. We can write a custom essay According to Your Specific Requirements Order an essay. All rights reserved. send By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Copying is only available for logged-in users. If you need this sample for free, we can send it to you via email Send. Free Plagiarism Checker. All Materials are Cataloged Well. We have received your request for getting a sample. Please choose the access option you need:. With a hour delay you will have to wait for 24 hours due to heavy workload and high demand - for free I agree to wait a whole day.

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If I were the prime minister of India speech

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New York Essays

if i was the president essay

Essay on “If I were the President” ( Words) Article shared by Many of us have some aspirations and wishes for our country that we desire to fulfill and some changes to bring about, but we feel that we have little say in getting those things done. This is because of our limited power as citizens of the country Order Now. There was once a time when I escaped the hustles of the world. I found myself walking alone in a dark and lonely street. Trash was scattered everywhere and the street was Words If I were president I would strive to accomplish these three major things. First, I would strengthen our educational system, second, I would make certain that everyone has equal and

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